Are you:

  • Pregnant?
  • Parenting a baby under age one?
  • Leaving a relationship and have nowhere to go?
  • Not getting the family support you need?
  • Feeling alone and need support?
  • Needing a safe home?
  • Frightened by an unplanned pregnancy?
  • Needing access to resources to get back on your feet?

If you are pregnant or parenting a baby under age one and finding yourself in any of these situations, BETHESDA HOUSE IS HERE TO HELP.

We’re not all ready for those two pink lines. Not all of us have the support we need to help us take care of our babies.

That’s why Bethesda House is here: To offer a loving home, practical support, and an education/job track to give you and your baby the best chance at a great life. No one should have to navigate motherhood alone.

At Bethesda House, we provide you with OPTIONS. Every resident of our home, with the assistance of our knowledgeable staff, receives a customized care plan based on her individual needs.

We always have your needs in mind. And, you aren’t locked in— it’s a fluid process addressing changing needs for you and your baby. The options at Bethesda House are endless!

About Bethesda House

Bethesda House is located on the South Shore of Massachusetts and we are here to provide you and your baby a safe and nurturing temporary home. Our newly renovated home has eight single bedrooms, a classroom, playroom, large living area and kitchen. Shopping and community access are within walking distance giving you the independence you need in your daily life.

At Bethesda House, we offer you several OPTIONS!  Depending on your personal needs and goals, you can choose from three tracks: The Bridge Track, The Work Track, or the Education Track, so you can be as successful as you want to be!

All three tracks build off of our core program, then you can decide how long you wish to stay and how much you wish to access at Bethesda House.

Every woman at Bethesda House participates in our CORE program.  All residents in our program receive:

  • Life coaching: budgeting, nutrition, cooking and many other areas.
  • Bright Courses: childbirth and parenting classes.
  • Assistance applying for benefits
  • Assistance applying for housing
  • Work experience at our our resale Boutique in Hanover, MA in exchange for shopping credits for maternity and baby clothing and gear sold in our store
  • Life skills

Length of Stay: Typically 6-9 Weeks

This track is designed for moms who are looking for a short-term stay that is designed for getting back on your feet.  The primary goal in this program is to regroup and reset, giving you the time you need to think about your next steps and make plans that work for you.  While here, you access our core program and can then choose to “bridge” to other options outside of Bethesda House or you can still chose to transfer into one of our longer term tracks to further reach your goals.

Length of Stay: Typically 6 Months – 1 Year

The primary goal of this track is to build financial stability.  We will help you get set up with part-time employment with the goal of building toward a full-time position. We will work with you to start a nest egg and best plan for your financial future.  This track still accesses the core program with modifications to fit your work schedule and needs.

Length of Stay: Typically Up to Two Years

This track gives you full access to ALL that Bethesda House has to offer.  The goal here is to obtain training that leads to a career. Training and programs will meet you where you are and help you get to where you’re going with either HiSET or high school diploma and/or post high school graduation certificate or on-the-job training.  Again, this track accesses the core program with modifications to fit your schedule and needs. This track also gives you added benefits to access as you work to achieve your goals, such as saving for a car and/or rent for an apartment.

You don’t need to worry about the details:

  • Transportation to and from school, work, doctor’s appointments etc, is provided by our team of loving volunteers.
  • You have the opportunity to earn shopping credits at our resale store the Bethesda House Boutique for all of your maternity wear, baby clothing, and baby gear.
  • Diapers, wipes and toiletries are all provided to you.
  • Our caring support team provides babysitting as needed while also modeling parenting and life skills so you may gain added knowledge and experience to be the best mom you can be.

Choose the Path to Your Best Future

Inside Bethesda House

Take a Tour of Bethesda House

Is Bethesda House Right For You?


You and your baby will be welcome to stay at Bethesda House for up to two years depending on the track you choose. The criteria to apply to Bethesda House:

  • Typically 18-25 years old
  • Pregnant or parenting a baby
  • No current issues with substance abuse


If you feel that you fit this criteria, the next step is to complete the Residential Application. Once your application has been reviewed, we will contact you to set up an interview.

If you would like more information about Bethesda House before completing an application or have any questions or concerns, let’s talk!

Missy Porter
Bethesda House Co-Founder
Email: [email protected] or call/text 781-361-2418.

Please know that I myself have been in your shoes. Please take a moment to read My Story. No one said it was going to be easy, but I can tell you that it’s worth it!