76 Rockland St., Hanover, MA

** Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 10-4 ONLY!**

The Bethesda House Boutique is a resale boutique where 100% of the profits from sales are used to support the boutique and the home.

Bethesda House was established in 2016 and is located on the South Shore of Massachusetts. Our home offers 8 mothers a safe place to stay, where each mother shares a single room with her child. We link them with an educational plan so when they leave, they have the necessary skills and knowledge to be self-sufficient. We help them work out all the details in order to make this possible, from accessing benefits, to child care and transportation, to financial aid. We also teach parenting and life skills to help them be the best mom they can be. Best of all, we provide them with the love and support they need as a new mother. Learn more about Bethesda House.

El hecho de que tenga los medios para pagar el precio completo … ¡no significa que tenga que hacerlo!

Bethesda House Boutique
76 Rockland St., Hanover 
(al lado de Boston Bowl)


Martes – Miércoles – Jueves
¡CERRADO el resto de días!

www.BethesdaHouseMA.org/Boutique   781-776-3073

La mayoría de los artículos cuestan $3 a menos que se indique lo contrario!

Bethesda House Boutique es una boutique de reventa donde el 100% de las ganancias de las ventas se utilizan para apoyar a Bethesda House. Llevamos ropa y zapatos para bebés y adolescentes, ropa de maternidad, juguetes, libros y material para bebés. Se aceptan donaciones de artículos en perfectas condiciones.


thrift store

Baby through size 6 clothing and shoes

Children’s books and toys

Baby gear 

Maternity clothing

Most items $3 (unless marked otherwise)

Bethesda House Boutique

76 Rockland St., Hanover, MA

(Next to Boston Bowl)

Tuesday – Wednesday – Thursday 10-4
CLOSED all other days.

Phone 781-776-3073

thrift store

Donations can be dropped off to the Boutique:

During business hours only: Tuesday – Thursday 10-4pm.

Bethesda House Donation Guidelines

We are currently accepting donations IN NEW or LIKE-NEW CONDITION of:


  • Children’s clothing: preemie, infant, toddler, children up to size 6 for any season.
  • Christening and First Communion gowns and suits.
  • Maternity clothing.


  • Children’s books. 
  • Baby and children’s toys.
  • Baby gear: crib linens, diaper bags, baby slings/carriers, seats, bouncers etc.
  • We do NOT ACCEPT car seats, cribs, mattresses, bottles, breast pumps, potty chairs or diaper pails.

Please check back and follow Facebook and Instagram for updates!

Please be sure all donations are clean and in great condition.

We do not consign.  All items that are donated to the Bethesda House Boutique will be either used by our residents or sold at our Boutique. The Bethesda House Boutique is an ongoing fundraiser to support our home in Pembroke. 

If items are not appropriate to sell at the boutique, we will have them recycled.  

Please call 781-776-3073 or email [email protected] for questions.

Tax donation letters are available upon request.