Donate a Gift/Service to BH Fundraisers
You can help us accomplish our fundraising goals by donating goods and services for use in our fundraisers.Donors will receive recognition and can include any marketing materials related to the fundraiser.
Popular items in the past have included professional sports tickets, weekend getaways, gift certificates for goods and services, sports memorabilia, home decor/houseware items, and themed gift baskets.
Items can be dropped off at The Bethesda House Boutique at 76 Rockland St., in Hanover during business hours T/W/TH 10-4. Or, contact Missy Porter [email protected] or 781-361-2418 to coordinate a pick‐up. Thank you for donating!
** Due to previous auction experience and supporter feedback, we will not be including items that require a further (or “future”) purchase. As always, we appreciate your support of Bethesda House and hope that you understand this policy **