Reserve Sponsorships
Reserve your sponsorship spot online through the form below. You can opt to pay by credit card or by check. Contact Missy Porter, with any questions at [email protected] or 781-361-2418. Please use this 501(c)3 Designation Letter for tax purposes.
Gala Sponsorship Tiers:
Platinum Sponsorship | One Available |
Gold Sponsorships | Several Available |
Silver Sponsorships | Several Available |
Friend of Bethesda House | Several Available |
PLATINUM // $5000 (One Available)
• TITLE SPONSOR: Event sponsorship recognition: “Bethesda House Gala Sponsored by ‘Name'”
• Business/family name included in marketing materials and press announcements
• Business/family name or logo displayed at every table
• Recognition on Bethesda House website and all socials as well as in event program
• Company banner to be displayed at the event
• Eight tickets (one table) to event
GOLD // $2500
• Business/family name or logo displayed at all tables
• Recognition on Bethesda House website and all socials as well as in event program
• Four tickets to event
SILVER // $1000
• Business/family name or logo displayed at your table
• Recognition on Bethesda House website and all socials as well as in event program
• Two tickets to event
Friend of Bethesda House // $500
• Recognition on Bethesda House website and all socials
• Listed in program. Option to list as “In Honor of” or “In Memory of”